First Year
How you can be led by the Holy Spirit and learn how to function in His gifts
About the angels, the spiritual world and freedom from the influence of evil
What is the Bible, what is its origin and how can I know that it is the Word of God?
Historical context, content and themes in Paul’s letters
How can my communication with God deepen and develop? How to get answer to prayer
About the immense power in the name of Jesus and how it can be released
A survey of the epochs of the Old Testament and its salvation story
How I can improve in sharing my faith in Jesus with others
Building the time as single, marriage, and family to become what God intended
How you prepare in the best way for what God has for you after bible school
What did Jesus actually do for me on the Cross?
How do I handle the gifts and resources God has given in the best way?
Who God is, and how you can get to know Him better
To receive, live in and minister healing from God
About God’s Plan and Purpose with the Land of Israel and the Jewish People
What did Jesus actually say, do, and teach – and why?
About the history of Christians and Christianity from the biblical times to contemporary time
How you fulfill the Great Commission “Go into all the world”
How to prepare and share a message from God’s Word
A walk through one of the most central epistles in the Bible
How does God look at me and how shall my walk with Him improve?
”we believe in…” – a summary of the foundational doctrines of Christianity
How can I answer today’s questions on faith in a biblical and intelligible way?
What faith is, how it grows and manifests itself in my life
Customize your first year with a Stream. Choose from: Business, Theater, Worship, Church or Israel.
It is a bunch of teachers with many different gifts and experiences teaching at Bible School. Get to know them better!