Word of Life Bible Center

Vision & focus

Word of Life Church have a calling from God to equip His people with the word of faith. In this calling there is also a mission to equip every believer with a living relationship with the Holy Spirit and to teach them how to use the spiritual weapons God has given us. We also long to help them find the direction God is pulling them in and send them out to the mission field that’s waiting in schools, the business world, among the homeless and to the ends of the earth. 

This is our mission at World of Life Bible Center too.

Therefore, our goal is to through the bible school give a thorough and edifying teaching that will hold up through every one of life’s trials. We want to create an atmosphere of faith, where fellowship with God in praise, worship and prayer is at the very center. We also strive to create a place where the Holy Spirit is given the freedom to speak to us both as a group and individually. We do all this in the belief that when the Word and the Spirit gets to work in our lives, we truly develop to become who God created us to be. 

Word of Life Bible Center is a bible school that focuses on the Word, the Spirit and missions. Here, you’ll receive a solid foundation to stand on for the rest of your life.

Församlingen Livets Ord upplever en kallelse från Gud att vara med och utrusta allt Guds folk med ordet om tro. I den kallelsen finns även en önskan om att praktiskt utrusta varje troende att leva med den Helige Ande och lära sig använda de andliga vapen vi fått av Gud.

Vi önskar även att hjälpa dem hitta den inriktningen Gud har för just deras liv och sen sända ut dem till missionsfälten både i skolan, företagsvärlden, bland de hemlösa och till alla världens folkslag.

Detta är vårt uppdrag även på Livets Ords Bibelcenter.

Vår längtan är därför att genom bibelskolan ge grundlig och trosstärkande undervisning som bär i livets alla skeenden. Genom en atmosfär av tro önskar vi skapa en plats där gemenskap med Gud i tillbedjan, lovsång och bön står centralt. Vi vill även skapa en plats där den Helige Ande får utrymme både att tala till oss som grupp och individuellt. Detta gör vi i tro på att när Ordet och Anden får verka i våra liv, så får vi verkligen utvecklas till de Gud har skapat oss att vara.

Livets Ords Bibelcenter är en plats med fokus på Ordet, Anden och mission, där du får en grund att stå på för hela livet!

Submit your application today!


First Year

The first year of Bible School gives you a basic introduction to God, the Bible, and the Christian life in a vibrant environment where you have the space and time to get to know God and yourself, while also being equipped to be a witness where you are. Read more about year 1 here.

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Second Year

Year 2 is a natural step forward from your first year at WLBC, here you dive deeper into the word of God while at the same time being practically equipped and challenged as a leader. Mission is also a main focus during year 2. Read more about year 2 here.

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First Year

The first year of Bible School gives you a basic introduction to God, the Bible, and the Christian life in a vibrant environment where you have the space and time to get to know God and yourself, while also being equipped to be a witness where you are. Read more about year 1 here.

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Second Year

Year 2 is a natural step forward from your first year at WLBC, here you dive deeper into the word of God while at the same time being practically equipped and challenged as a leader. Mission is also a main focus during year 2. Read more about year 2 here.

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