Vision & Focus
Livets Ord Bible Center aims to create an atmosphere of faith where every believer can be shaped and grow in their relationship with God. We place a strong focus on the Word, the Spirit, and the calling to mission!

Year 1
The first year at the Bible school provides a vibrant environment where you have the space and time to get to know God and yourself, while being equipped to be a witness wherever you are.

Year 2 is a natural progression from your first year at LOBC. Here, you will dive deeper into God's Word while being practically equipped and challenged as a leader. A large portion of the year focuses on practical experience, where you can choose to specialize in mission or local church leadership.

Students testimonies
Let yourself be encouraged by the students own testimonies from their year at the Word of Life Bible School.
"LOBC has transformed my perspective on how I see God, people, and community, and has planted faith and a heart for missions in me."
Nehemiah Abraham
"Attending Bible school is one of the best choices I have made in my life. It has been a wonderful journey where I have walked with God, experienced how my life is being transformed, and witnessed things I had never seen, heard, or even imagined before."
Lingyi Dai China
"Before I came to Bible school, I had trouble routinely spending time in God's Word and keeping God in my thoughts throughout the day, but Bible school has been such a help and boost. Now, I see it as an honor to come before God, and I take every opportunity I get to spend time with Him in His Word!"
Tumba Mulamba Sweden
"After just a few months at Bible school, God totally revolutionized my thinking. He opened my eyes to truths I had not understood before and set me free from depression and fear that I had carried with me my whole life."
Hanna Olavsdóttir Faroe Islands
"The one and a half years I spent at LOBC transformed my future in amazing ways. I learned to follow God's voice even when it speaks about things far beyond my wildest imagination!"
Zach Amesmann Canada
"Bible school is like letting God pour molten gold into the cracks of your broken vessel. Yes, it hurts sometimes, but you will never be the same again, and that’s only the beginning of everything God wants to do."
Mariana Gil Mexico
"LOBC has transformed my perspective on how I see God, people, and community, and has planted faith and a heart for missions in me."
Nehemiah Abraham India
Ready to take the next step?
Whoever you are, we believe that Word of Life Bible Center is a school where you can grow in your relationship with God and in the gifts He has given you.
A warm welcome!